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dot832 is more than an web development and technology agency. dot832 has a passion for creating a secure and managed internet presence with established or new organizations and businesses, giving them the tools to grow.
dot832 has 20 years of web industry experience and can guide you intelligently through the myriad of questions you may have.
dot832’s roots precede the formation of this business entity. Originally formed because of the over priced services of other firms. The business evolved over time and now specializes in WordPress, Performance optimization, Support and problem solving. dot832 accepts clients from all business segments but especially enjoys working with non-profit organizations.
Tim Burkart
Sandy UT 84070
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Our mission is to empower families in transition from a two parent family to a one parent better known as, “a Single Parent.” To reduce the risks of abuse children and parents can face, and help one to understand exactly what, “working in the best interest of the children,” actually means. Personally and from the courts perspective. We offer the products and services found in the store. They will help families gain the knowledge that is needed, find support, and achieve success in their lives. With your purchases and long term commitments of financial, employee volunteers by corporations, and the government, on a local and national level through our representatives, we can improve the quality of life for families dealing with single parent challenges!!
National Single Parent Resource Center
Coach Judy Romanoff
Palm Beach County FL 33444