How the Phoenix Award Winning Organization Can Empower You
- 2 Hour Professional Produced Video to deal with Entering or Facing Post Family Court Issues: Includes actual legal papers used in court, and other supporting materials used in the video. Receive a Complimentary 15 Minute Coaching/Cognitive Training Session on Your Personal Situation. Or Join as a Member for additional programs. Contact us by text to initiate your complimentary session and to order your unlimited Viewing for 1 year of the video at 5614418557. Include Name, Phone Number, Where your Located. Email: A response within 48 hours will be received. Or click on contact us below with the required information.
- Creating Resources by Businesses becoming Members, Donors, Benefactors, and will receive benefits as a Member through different Venues.
- Online Empowerment Groups for Dealing with Different Pre & Post Issues.
- Goal: Reduce the Negative or Harmful impact on all parties and how to, “Work in the Best Interest of the Children.” Parents, Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, and Cousins are Impacted when failing to focus on the Children.
When we can work together regardless of our feelings, the Mental Health and Welfare of all Parties can Have a Positive Outcome. Otherwise we can see an increase of:
Anger, Custody Battles, Addiction, Abuse, School Drop Outs, Job Losses, Increase in Developing Mental Health Issues, and Dependency on the Government for Financial Aid and other services.
The organization was created after a custody battle with family and turning the knowledge gained to help other families. Causes to why people need to understand all aspects especially legal papers and how the system works
The legal papers drawn by an attorney lacked transparency, as they failed to include: What the verbal information was told to the mother, such as, why help was offered, & when the child was to be returned.
Physical Issues led to accepting help and once released by doctors, they parties failed to return the child. A 2 year custody battle occurred and the impact became life time. Family failed to move forward and work together in the, “Best Interest of the Children,” when the child returned to the mother 1992. They are now 40 & 49 today. Founded in 1994 as a nonprofit by Coach Judy Romanoff
The organization is registered as a non-profit tax exempt organization with the IRS, Department of Corporations, and registered with the Florida Department of Agriculture & Consumer Affairs to solicit funds in the state of Florida. Ch36190
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