Your place to turn for getting the facts to achieve success, personally and for your children

Are You Considering…
- How to navigate the legal system?
- What Attorney to hire?
- What Agencies will or could become involved?
- Collaborative Divorce or Mediation?
- How to Work in the Best Interest of the Children?
No two cases are exactly the same. Who will you reach out if you are considering Family Court?
Tips for How to
Create harmony and cooperation among all family members:
- In a single parent family, the parents need a plan to decide how they will work out future challenges.
- Single Parent Families include dating & getting pregnant.
- Please do not push your beliefs on the other parent, rather make suggestions and give needed support.
- Refusing to puts you at risk of losing your child and grandchildren and negatively impacting the welfare of your entire family. Is that what you want?
If NO, then please invest in the programs now available for YOU!
Is this Familiar?
Where You Are
- Dating or Living Together and Now Pregnant? Considering a Divorce? Already in Family Court?
- A Single Parent or Family Member who looks to work in the “Best Interest of the Children.”
- “Save the Stress, Frustration, & Money vs. Risking Losing Family Members during this time!”
Where You Want to Be
- “Practical Knowledge for Facing Divorce & Family Court, Save Time Money, & Frustration”
- 2-Hour Interactive Video for Getting the Facts to Act, and Create “Cooperation & Harmony with all Family Members.”
- Includes Information Sheets used in the video.
Focus on the Children
When a parent or other family members or friends, put down the other parent in front of their child, parental alienation sets in. He or she is a part of the two of you and such acts damage your children.
Is that what you want to do to your child, children or grandchildren or raising a child from a single parent home?
If your answer is NO, then please invest in the programs now available to YOU!
For Single Parents and Single parents-to-be
Programs to Empower & Support
Facilitated by Coach Judy, National Recognized Expert: Divorce Single Parenting, Family Court.
- Video Membership $50
- Video Membership with 6 week Class for Facing Family Court $499
- Individual Coaching: Limited Space 3 Months 4x a month, 55 minutes $2500.
- Video Membership monthly for Empowerment and Support with online (Zoom) social gatherings $499
Click here for more information. Or select one of the programs below to purchase. We work on a sliding scale if your have a specific situation. Please click here to explain the financial situation and please have supporting documentation available.
Please check our original website for additional information.
The National Single Parent Resource Center is a Registered Nonprofit Tax Exempt Organization with the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services as a Charitable Organization. License Number CH36190.
Solicitation of contributions is permitted by Florida statutes rule 5J-7.004, of the Florida administrative code.
We are only legally allowed to to sell in the state of Florida.